Potteries Thinkbelt (PTb) was created by Cedric Price in 1963-65 and was published first in New Society in June 1966 and then in Architectural Design in October 1966. Both articles have since been published on issuu by Archiblog and can be viewed at:—(1) Potteries Thinkbelt, New Society and (2) Potteries Thinkbelt, Architectural Design.
The main stories are ‘Life-conditioning’ and ‘Potteries Thinkbelt’ – both by Cedric Price. They were originally published in Architectural Design in October 1996 and can now be viewed here on issuu.
nb These publications are for educational purposes only.
“This photograph is one from a selection of the “smoky post cards” which were very popular in the days when Stoke-on-Trent was proud of its dusky image in the belief that plenty of smoke meant plenty of work.” (Staffordshire Multimedia Archive)
It is also one of six photographs Cedric Price used in Dwg No 64/99 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS and one of the four he cropped and used in the header to his article in AD October 1966 – see p.484, Potteries Thinkbelt.